- This page shows an outline summary of the programme of events. For full details please use the links for each day.
- In addition to our plenary sessions, we’ve three strands running concurrently.
- We aim to give delegates a free choice of sessions, but space in some rooms is limited, so you may have to be prepared to swap if the room is full.
- Our online repertoire resources will be available to all delegates throughout the weekend and for several weeks afterwards.
- You can also link directly to the live Google calendar (Google account required) or grab the calendar in iCal format.
Saturday | Sunday | Google Calendar | iCal
Please note that our timetable is correct at the time of going to press: we may have to make unavoidable alterations.
Outline Programme
- October 26, 2024
09:30 Registration, coffee and networking Great Hall
10:30 Welcome and opening plenary: the ultimate warm-up! With Naveen Arles, Amy Bebbington and Joanna Tomlinson. Great Hall
11:45 Session 1a: Meet the composer: Ēriks Ešenvalds.
11:45 Session 1b: Practical pieces with a purpose. With Charles MacDougall and Jenny Trattles.
11:45 Session 1c: Repertoire discovery session I - music for young voices. With Joanna Tomlinson.
12:45 Lunch, networking and exhibition Great Hall
14:15 Session 2a: Orchestral conducting - be prepared! With Neil Ferris.
14:15 Session 2b: Repertoire discovery session II: music for community choirs. With Sarah Tenant-Flowers.
14:15 Session 2c: Building a lessson from a song. With Rebecca Berkley and the children of Universal Voices
15:15 Tea, networking and exhibition Great Hall
15:45 Session 3a: Everything that has breath... sings in tune! With Joanna Tomlinson.
15:45 Session 3b: Composer disscusion panel
15:45 Session 3c: Inclusive vocal and movement work with children. With Rebecca Berkley.
17:00 Session 4a: Music in the moment: building confidence and presence in choirs using improvisation. With Leanne Sedin.
17:00 Session 4b: Repertoire discovery III - sacred and secular music for mixed adult voices. With Neil Ferris.
17:00 Session 4c: Unlocking every voice: inclusive choral leadership. With Charles MacDougall and Jenny Trattles.
18:00 Exhibition time Great Hall
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Performance by Corra Sound Great Hall
21:00 Bar time! The Dairy
- October 27, 2024
09:30 Session 5a: Conducting masterclass session with Sarah Tenant-Flowers
09:30 Session 5b: Repertoire discovery session IV: music for all choir types by self-published composers.
09:30 Session 5c: Inspiring singing at secondary school: resources, techniques and methods to support singing at Key Stage 3. With Rebecca Ledgard and Gemma King.
10:30 Coffee, networking and exhibition Great Hall
11:00 Session 6a: Spotlight on choral works by women composers. With Amy Bebbington.
11:00 Session 6b: Engagement and empowerment - collaborate with your choir. With Naveen Arles.
11:00 Session 6c: the teacher as musical leader. With James Davey.
12:15 Final plenary: the big sing! Great Hall
13:15 Lunch, last chance for exhibition, and farewells Great Hall